Thursday, December 15, 2011


Once upon a time there was an old grandfather clock. It was very old clock and had a few flaws here and there, but it was always passed down in the family. After a while the clock began to grow very sad in it's old age. It seemed each time it was passed down the clock became more and more invisible. The clock began to believe it was nothing more than an old relic that had to be passed down out of tradition instead of love.

One day the family cat noticed the great clock sitting in the corner of the room. It looked sad and lonely. A light coat of dust hid it's old fading wood and the quiet ticking of its heart. The cat sat in front of the graven clock, mystified by its presence.

"Why hello there, mister clock." The cat said with a flick of its tail.

The clock said nothing, feeling the cat would just walk away and become uninterested like all the others.

"Why are you so sad, mister clock?" The cat asked, tilting her head to the side.

The clock was quiet a moment more, making no sound but a creak of a sigh. "I mean nothing to them anymore." The clock said quietly, as if its voice was muffled by the layer of dust. "The Humans have grown tired of me. I am unnoticed, there is no place for this clock anymore." 

The cat stared blankly at the clock. "But I noticed you, mister clock, and I think you're wrong. I watch the humans, just as you do, and I know they look at you more than the most beautiful woman in the world."


I wrote this during high school, its gone under a lot of revisions since then, but the main concept still remains. Sometimes we all feel like the clock, alone and unwanted, but the truth is we are wanted and we are noticed. Most of the time we just don't think about the people who do care for us, and we feel alone, but at the very least God always wants us. We think if a person isn't staring us right in the face we are invisible, but God goes deeper than that; God is inside of us. God sees what we see, and He feels what we feel. We are truly never alone when we are with Him.


  1. Wow I love it! You are such a creative writer! :D

  2. Thank you for posting this! Completely relatable... :)
